Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Take a peek...

Hello Young 5's families!
God's Big Word for November was Service.   Here is the story we used to talk about Service.

Our memory verse this month is Psalm 136:1

 We found feathers that spelled out our names.  We used the feathers to create a turkey.

After reading, This is the Feast, a story about the first Thanksgiving, our class brainstormed items we would take if we were going on the Mayflower. 

Here is a picture of our suitcases packed and ready to go.  Some students worked hard to label their items and sounded out each word.    

Together, we made a tally graph showing what our favorite Thanksgiving foods are.  

Turkey was the winner! 

This month we have been studying our 5 senses.  The first sense we explored was our sense of smell.  We passed around different containers of scents and guessed at what the smell was.  We were amazed at how God gave us the ability to know what it was without using any of our other senses.  The second sense we explored was touch.  Janett Staal, from Blandford Nature Center, took us outside to the nature preserve for this lesson.  Together we traveled through the preserve using our sense of touch.  

We collected items with different textures in an egg carton. 

We also used our sense of sight to draw self-portraits. They were able to take their self-portraits home with them the same day.  

5th Grade Buddies:
This month we met with our 5th grade buddies and made Thanksgiving turkey cookies.  We also got to eat them with our buddies! :) 

We are continuing to move through the alphabet and we even had a glow party to celebrate letter Gg!  

Here is a peek into our center time.  

We first make 5 capitol G's and 5 lower case g's.  Then we get to make them 'fancy'!  

Here we are sorting the letter Gg. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Young 5's adventures from the last 2 weeks...

Letter Cc brought a lot of fun into our room.  Here are a few pictures from Carnival Day.

Finished Products! 

Our class with some Crazy face paint! 

We tossed beach balls around at circle time.  Our job was to say the letter name and sound of the letter our thumb landed on.  

We  matched capitol letters to lower case letters.

Carnival Day Lockers! 
Thank you to everyone who brought or volunteered to bring popcorn.  It was a hit! 

New Song:
Ask your child to sing the song that goes along with the below picture. We are having a lot of fun with it. 

Gods Big Words
This week while talking about Self-Control we read, No David!  David gave us some silly examples of what not using self control might look like.  

We are starting a new unit on, the body.  Below is a picture of our 'I Wonder' board.  

To answer our questions about bones we used a light table and x-rays.  

We used that information to create our very own skeleton.  This was a very silly craft! 

Donuts with Dad:
Thank you for celebrating D with with us.  It was such a special day having you all in our room.